UMMC Online Formulary

Note: This is a live document for UMMC INTERNAL USE ONLY and shall be updated from time to time as needed.

If you are using your UM account, please feel free to request access.

Standard Formulary Medications

Special Formulary Medications


 A&E - Emergency Medicine Pharmacy                         Psy - Psychological Medicine Pharmacy

 IP - Inpatient Pharmacy                                                         SC - Sterile Complex

 IPC - Inpatient Chemo Pharmacy                                    PU - PharmUMMC

 OP - Outpatient Pharmacy                                                  PS - PharmSelatan

 Paed - Paediatric Pharmacy

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*Note: Please login with your official UMMC email account.

UMMC Formulary

Last Reviewed Date:  7-Mar-2025

Last Reviewed By:  NSS